Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Farm Stand is OPEN!

The Farm Stand at Foothill Farm opened for business for 2012 on Saturday April 28th.  This year we have more cool season veggie starts available.  There are three kinds of lettuce and they look fabulous!  They are ready to go in the ground and will be providing fresh greens in no time.  Or, you could pot them up and grow them on a windowsill, and pick a few greens for your sandwich.  There are three kinds of Broccoli on the farm stand as well.  We have a fair amount of Long Island Improved Brussel Sprouts, which look quite good and are ready to go!  This is an 1890's heirloom.  Reported to freeze well for storage.

Additional "greens" include: kale, arugula, swiss chard and two kinds of spinach.  All of these plants are well developed, have great root systems and are ready to go in the ground.  Some are in limited supply as we are testing out what grows (and sells) well.

Perennials will be making their appearance on the Farm Stand this week.  We have some beautiful hosta that will be available soon.  Other perennials that will be available include:  lambs ear, coral bells, new england aster, blue iris (a very nice iris, not too tall), and more.  All of our perennials are "field grown" with great root systems.

Herbs will be available when the weather is consistently warmer, probably mid May.

Summer veggies will also be available in abundance in about two weeks.  Many are ready to go now, but the weather is not conducive to putting tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and the like in the ground just yet.  In addition, we will have squash, pumpkins, and cukes this year.

All four packs are only $2.00.  Support your local farmers and artisans on Chestnut Hill by coming out and visiting (and purchasing) locally grown and produced items!